Why Iridology?

Feb 17, 2024

The eyes are truly the windows to the soul. 

I first started studying Iridology in 1996 at a reputable government recognised natural medicine college. I immediately found it fascinating, as did everyone else in the class. We began studying Jensen’s Iridology, which is the study of the physical ailments and predispositions in the Iris. Following this class was Rayid Iridology – the study of the personality through the Iris.


The Iris is the coloured part of your eye. It is made up of four layers and thousands of nerve endings attached to the Iris fibers. These nerves are attached to various parts of your body and each pass through your brain. It is postulated that when something happens to the body, such as a broken bone, the nerves tell the brain it’s happened. An extension of this nerve alters the fibers in the eye, resulting in changes in the Iris. From dark spots to white lines and straight fibres to wavy open weaves, we read the shapes and colours of the fibers and layers of the Iris. This can give us a good picture as to what is happening in your body. There is no need to be concerned about wandering Iridologists being able to see your inner health secrets without your consent! An Iridologist cannot see your detailed Iris pattern without a specialised magnified and illuminated Iris torch.


I like to use the example of tiredness when explaining Iridology. Many people suffer from tiredness and everyone has heard of a natural remedy that worked for their friend, they saw in a magazine, or they may have used with success themselves. You can be recommended, and buy, a number of products before you find one makes any difference. With Iridology we can see what the underlying reason is for your tiredness. Is it from excess stress, a sluggish lymphatic system, underactive liver or digestion, a constitution that requires more protein, or a constitution that requires more juice fasting, perhaps it is from food intolerances, systemic inflammation or a hereditary cardiovascular complication. As I am sure you can appreciate, each of these underlying causes for tiredness need a very different treatment regime. None of what we see is essentially diagnostic; it is merely a guide to your body, albeit a very good one.

Rayid Iridology takes it all a few steps further. Rayid is the study of the personality type through the Iris. This method is even further from acceptance than general Iridology, but I tell you, the amount of times I have helped someone who was struggling with their own self, speaks volumes. Rayid can also help partners to communicate as according to Iridology, opposite personality types are attracted to each other. You may have heard that what first attracts us can be what draws us apart in the long run, well, wouldn’t it be great if we could access tools of communication based on our inherent personality types? An appreciation of our unique selves, and each other as unique individuals, can be achieved with an understanding of yourself through Rayid Iridology.

Iridology does not fit snugly into the modern medical model. But I ask, who are we to dismiss a possibly fascinating way to determine a persons underlying state of health and how to choose remedies for them? Until we can prove it with our modern scientific paradigm, why don’t you visit an Iridologist and see for yourself? Experience is the best way to discover your own truth.