Mentoring 1:1

Mentoring for natural therapy practitioners and students

What you'll get:

  • 30 years of experience in the profession and industry
  • Correct and up to date ethical practice knowledge
  • New ideas and personalised business growth options

Mentoring can be defined as a learning relationship that supports and encourages people to develop their own skills in a certain field. There are times in everyone's career where they can benefit from some support, a fresh pair of eyes, or a reliable well of experience and knowledge. 

A supportive mentor will harness your natural abilities and enable you to focus  on your chosen topics to get the most out of your time. I created my style of mentoring based on the requests from students who wanted to benefit from my naturally encouraging style of education. 

I bring a rich understanding of the profession and industry to each session. See the "about" page for more, but these sessions are not about me - I am purely there to facilitate your dreams and goals into actionable items. 

All sessions are available in-person or online at a time that suits your schedule. Be it early morning, evening, interstate or international, times and frequency is tailored to suit all lifestyles. 

Every one-to-one mentoring plan is designed specifically to suit your individual needs.

$120.00 AUD